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En Courage he encontrado una familia y sé que nunca más me sentiré solo en esta batalla

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Oración y caridad hecha de rodillas 

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“Courage me ha ayudado a rescatar mi dignidad como persona, como hijo de Dios”

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¡Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, en vos confío! 

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Protected: ¿Qué enseña la Iglesia sobre la homosexualidad?

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Protected: Verdad y misericordia: Pautas para el acompañamiento pastoral de personas que experimentan AMS

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“Dios no se deja ganar en originalidad ni en generosidad”- Testimonio de una chica miembro de Courage en Ecuador

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La atracción hacia el mismo sexo en mujeres católicas que desean vivir castamente

Published in: Homiletic & Pastoral Review

Author: P. James McTavish, FMVD

Published: 26 de enero del 2024

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¡Resucitó de veras mi amor y mi esperanza! (Secuencia pascual) 

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“¡La vida es grandiosa y con Dios, mucho más!” – Testimonio de un miembro de Courage en México

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Las Siete “C” que ayudan a padres de hijos que experimentan atracción al mismo sexo

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Cuaresma, desierto donde Dios nos habla al corazón

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Same Sex Attraction in Catholic Women who Desire to Live Chastely

Published in: The Homiletic and Pastoral Review

Author: Fr. James McTavish

Published: January 26, 2024

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Boundaries- 5 Tips to Maintain Chastity

Published in: The Catholic Gentleman

Author: Peter C. Kleponis, Ph.D., SATP, CSAT

Published: January 10, 2024

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“Desde pequeño mi abuela me enseñó a rezar el rosario y leer la biblia” – Testimonio de un miembro de Courage en Ecuador

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Iniciando el año pidiendo una mayor confianza en Dios

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Letter to the Apostolate on Fiducia Supplicans

Published in: Letter to the Apostolate on Fiducia Supplicans

Author: Courage International

Published: January 9 2024

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“La Iglesia y Courage me han dado nuevamente la oportunidad de luchar por la santidad” – Testimonio de un miembro de Courage en Brasil

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La Reconciliación: Dios con nosotros – Algunas luces desde San Bernardo de Claraval

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Catholic Prayer & Piety

Published in: 2011 Conference

Author: Dr. Sean Stevens

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Fr. Philip G. Bochanski – Conference Homily

Published in: 2023 Conference

Author: Fr. Philip G. Bochanski

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“Go and Do Likewise” Imitating the Good Samaritan

Published in: 2023 Conference

Author: Fr. Philip G. Bochanski

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Testimony: Brian L.

Published in: 2023 Conference

Author: Brian L.

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Fr. Kyle Schnippel – Conference Homily

Published in: 2023 Conference

Author: Fr. Kyle Schnippel

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Testimony: Kim M.

Published in: 2023 Conference

Author: Kim M.

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Testimony: Monty J.

Published in: 2023 Conference

Author: Monty J.

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Respecting Differences: How Mutual Submission Overflows to Others

Published in: 2023 Conference

Author: Andrew and Annette Comiskey, Desert Stream Ministries

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Bishop Earl K. Fernandes – Conference Homily #2

Published in: 2023 Conference

Author: Bishop Earl K. Fernandes, Diocese of Columbus

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Charisms: At the Service of Our Neighbor

Published in: 2023 Conference

Author: Leyden Rovelo-Krull

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The Healing Power of Sacrificial Love

Published in: 2023 Conference

Author: Dr. Matthew Ramage

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To Be One Mind with the Church: Celibacy and Gift of Self

Published in: 2023 Conference

Author: Fr. Richard Samour

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The Eucharist – Our Nourishment to Nourish Others

Published in: 2023 Conference

Author: Fr. Paul Scalia

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Bishop Earl Fernandes – Conference Homily #1

Published in: 2023 Conference

Author: Bishop Earl K. Fernandes, Diocese of Columbus

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Padres de familia comparten su caminar con hijo que experimenta AMS

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El buen humor de Santa Teresa de Jesús: Recomendaciones para nuestra vida espiritual

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Fr. Philip G. Bochanski – Conference Homily

Published in: 2023 Conference

Author: Fr. Philip G. Bochanski

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“Go and Do Likewise” Imitating the Good Samaritan

Published in: 2023 Conference

Author: Fr. Philip G. Bochanski

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Testimony: Brian L.

Published in: 2023 Conference

Author: Brian L.

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Testimony: Monty J.

Published in: 2023 Conference

Author: Monty J.

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Testimony: Kim M.

Published in: 2023 Conference

Author: Kim M.

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Respecting Differences: How Mutual Submission Overflows to Others

Published in: 2023 Conference

Author: Andrew and Annette Comiskey, Desert Stream Ministries

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Fr. Kyle Schnippel – Conference Homily

Published in: 2023 Conference

Author: Fr. Kyle Schnippel

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To Be One Mind with the Church: Celibacy and Gift of Self

Published in: 2023 Conference

Author: Fr. Richard Samour

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Charisms: At the Service of Our Neighbor

Published in: 2023 Conference

Author: Leyden Rovelo-Krull

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The Healing Power of Sacrificial Love

Published in: 2023 Conference

Author: Dr. Matthew Ramage

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Bishop Earl K. Fernandes – Conference Homily #2

Published in: 2023 Conference

Author: Bishop Earl K. Fernandes, Diocese of Columbus

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The Eucharist – Our Nourishment to Nourish Others

Published in: 2023 Conference

Author: Fr. Paul Scalia

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Bishop Earl K. Fernandes – Conference Homily #1

Published in: 2023 Conference

Author: Bishop Earl K. Fernandes, Diocese of Columbus

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Courage/EnCourage Promo Card – English

Published: September 2023

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Courage/EnCourage Promo Card – Spanish

Published: September 2023

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La santidad juvenil: el testimonio de Chiara Luce y Carlo Acutis

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“En Courage he encontrado hermanos de esos que no da la sangre, sino el Espíritu” – Testimonio de Fulton

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El Sagrado Corazón de Jesús según santa Gertrudis, la Grande: Los latidos del Corazón de Jesús y la salvación de los pecadores

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«Responder con determinada determinación» Testimonio de una mujer miembro del capítulo Courage en línea

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Letanía por nuestros seres queridos

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“Sé que fue Dios quien me mandó a Courage a través de Internet”: Testimonio de Martín

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Courage Novena to Martyrs of Uganda

Published in: Novena to Martyrs of Uganda

Published: 2023

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“Creo porque quiero creer”: Ejemplo de Santa Teresa del Niño Jesús para momentos de crisis

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Vivir la alegría cristiana: saberse amado por el Padre

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Tarjeta con información de contacto para imprimir

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La bondad de Dios en las “Revelaciones del Amor Divino” de Juliana de Norwich

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«El Amor de los Amores siempre escucha la oración de una madre» –Testimonio de una madre de EnCourage

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“He pecado, pero aquí estoy. Hágase en mí, según Tú quieras”: Testimonio de una joven valiente

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El testamento espiritual de Benedicto XVI: luces para la vida espiritual

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Testimony: Julie

Published in: 2017 Conference

Author: Julie

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Haciendo espacio en el corazón para que nazca Jesús en él 

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El Rosario: caminando de la mano de María

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Guide to Slack

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Testimony: John B.

Published in: 2017 Conference

Author: John B.

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Testimony: Maité R.

Published in: 2016 Conference

Author: Maité R.

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Testimony: David P.

Published in: 2019 Conference

Author: David P.

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Testimony: Avera S.

Published in: 2019 Conference

Author: Avera S.

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Sisters of Life Spirituality

Published in: 2022 Conference

Author: Sisters of Life

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Carmelite Spirituality

Published in: 2022 Conference

Author: Mother Gloria Therese, OCD

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Salesian Spirituality

Published in: 2022 Conference

Author: Fr. Tom Dailey, OSFS

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Society of Jesus Spirituality

Published in: 2022 Conference

Author: Fr. Peter F. Ryan, S.J.

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Fidelitas Journal- Embracing the Challenges of Friendship: A Critique of “Making Room for Siblings in the Spirit”

Published in: Fidelitas: Journal of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars (Canada)

Author: Fawcett and Bochanski

Published: August 2022

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Testimony: Molly K.

Published in: 2022 Conference

Author: Molly K.

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Testimony: Neill M.

Published in: 2022 Conference

Author: Neill M.

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Fr. Kyle Schnippel – Conference Homily

Published in: 2022 Conference

Author: Fr. Kyle Schnippel

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Fr. Colin J. Blatchford – Conference Homily

Published in: 2022 Conference

Author: Fr. Colin J. Blatchford

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Bishop David A. Konderla – Conference Homily #2

Published in: 2022 Conference

Author: Bishop David A. Konderla, Bishop of Tulsa

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Bishop David A. Konderla – Conference Homily #1

Published in: 2022 Conference

Author: Bishop David A. Konderla, Bishop of Tulsa

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“Stay here and watch with me” (Mt 26:38) — Finding Jesus in Gethsemane

Published in: 2022 Conference

Author: Fr. Philip G. Bochanski

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Living Deeply in a Shallow World

Published in: 2022 Conference

Author: Deacon John Green & Mrs. Carolyn Green

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Anatomy of the Interior Life (Spiritual Direction)

Published in: 2022 Conference

Author: Kathryn Lopez

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The Food of Friendship: Eucharistic Love as the Remedy for Original Sin

Published in: 2022 Conference

Author: Fr. Nathan Reesman

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A Practical Introduction to Lectio Divina

Published in: 2022 Conference

Author: Fr. Colin J. Blatchford

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The Three R’s and Continual Conversion

Published in: 2022 Conference

Author: Fr. Sean Kilcawley

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Why I Hate Forgiveness

Published in: 2022 Conference

Author: Timothy Lock, Ph.D.

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Learning How to Profit From Your Faults with St. Francis de Sales

Published in: 2022 Conference

Author: Rev. Canon Matthew Talarico

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Blessed are You: Seeing as Jesus Sees

Published in: 2022 Conference

Author: Sr. Bethany Madonna, SV

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How to Read Your Way to Heaven

Published in: 2022 Conference

Author: Vicki Burbach

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What Courage Members Would Like Clergy to Know

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No nos cansemos de predicar el amor sirviendo a los demás

Published in: Conferencia Anual Courage y EnCourage 2022

Author: P. Richard Samour

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Dirección espiritual: Pedid y recibiréis

Published in: Conferencia Anual Courage y EnCourage 2022

Author: P. Luis Corral, capellán de Courage en Guatemala

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Lectura espiritual: Alimento de la esperanza cristiana

Published in: Conferencia Anual Courage y EnCourage 2022

Author: P. Francisco de Borja Escrivá, Arquidiócesis de Valencia, España

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Alimento de la amistad: El amor eucarístico como remedio al pecado original

Published in: Conferencia Anual Courage y EnCourage 2022

Author: P. Nathan Reesman, Arquidiócesis de Milwaukee, EE.UU.

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“Ignorar las Escrituras es ignorar a Cristo”: La lectio divina y sus frutos

Published in: Conferencia Anual Courage y EnCourage 2022

Author: P. Ángel Tello, capellán de Courage en Toledo, España

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Sacramento de la Reconciliación: espacio de encuentro con el Amor Misericordioso

Published in: Conferencia Anual Courage y EnCourage 2022

Author: P. Víctor de Luna, capellán de Courage en Italia

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Podemos aprovechar nuestras heridas para crear algo bueno e incluso bello — Testimonio de una madre de EnCourage

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La virtud de la perseverancia en el combate espiritual

Author: Lícia Pereira

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Published in: 2014 Conference

Author: Bp. Daniel E Thomas

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Judge Not? Clarifying a New Testament Understanding of Judgement

Published in: 2014 Conference

Author: Andrew Comiskey

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Internet Pornography Addiction: Medium and Content Collide with the Human Brain

Published in: 2013 Conference

Author: Sr. Marysia Weber

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Living and Working the Steps with Scripture and the Saints

Published in: 2013 Conference

Author: Fr. Emmerich Vogt, O.P.

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What Does It Mean to Be a Human Image of God?

Published in: 2013 Conference

Author: Bishop John M. LeVoir

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Friendship, Modern Isolation and the New Evangelization in the Thought of Bl. John Henry Newman

Published in: 2012 Conference

Author: Most Rev. James D. Conley, D.D., S.T.L.

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Providing Hope in the Midst of Despair: A Person Centered Response to AIDS

Published in: 2012 Conference

Author: Dr. Timothy Flanigan

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Naked Surrender – Coming Home to Our True Sexuality

Published in: 2012 Conference

Author: Andrew Comiskey

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Reclaiming the Gift of Hope

Published in: 2012 Conference

Author: Fr. James Livingston

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The Varieties of Guilt

Published in: 2012 Conference

Author: Fr. Jeffrey Keefe, O.F.M. Conv.

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A Simple Plan: Blessed Mother Teresa’s Perspective of Life

Published in: 2012 Conference

Author: Fr. Joseph Klee

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Robin’s Testimony

Published in: 2013 Conference

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Cómo activar la interpretación simultánea en Zoom

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“La niña de Tus ojos”-Testimonio de una mujer miembro de Courage

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Ruidos en la oración ¿Cómo los evito?

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Jubileo de Namugongo: lecciones de nuestros santos patronos

Author: P. Philip Bochanski

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Mi corazón está llamado a unirse al Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Author: Lícia Pereira de Oliveira, f.m.r

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«Sé que cuando los padres se ponen de rodillas, los hijos se levantan»- Testimonio de Jorge, miembro de Courage en Toledo, España

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Courage/EnCourage Young Adult Brochure

Published: May 2022

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¿Qué es Courage? – Infografía

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«Varón y mujer los creó»: para una vía de diálogo sobre la cuestión del gender en la educación

Author: Congregación para la Educación Católica

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Instrucción sobre los criterios de discernimiento vocacional en relación con las personas de tendencias homosexuales antes de su admisión al seminario y a las órdenes sagradas

Author: Congregación para la Educación Católica

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El gozo pascual

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El Señor nos quiere a todos para Él- Testimonio de Gary, miembro fundador de Courage

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«Pongámonos las armas de la luz» – La pureza cristiana

Author: Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa, OFM Cap.

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«Con la gracia de Dios y acompañado por Él, sigo perseverando en la fe» -Testimonio de un miembro de Courage

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Vivir con mayor hondura la oración, el ayuno y la caridad durante Cuaresma

Author: Lícia Pereira

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Reconciliación con Dios y con la Iglesia: las dos gracias del sacramento de la Penitencia

Author: Lícia Pereira de Oliveira, f.m.r.

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Internet Pornography: Some Medical and Spiritual Perspectives

Published in: The Linacre Quarterly

Author: James McTavish, MD

Published: 2020 June

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Video: San José, modelo de fidelidad y obediencia- XV Encuentro Courage Latino 2021

Published in: San José, modelo de fidelidad y obediencia

Author: P. Philip Bochanski

Published: 2021

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«San José, modelo de fidelidad y obediencia» – XV Encuentro Courage Latino 2021

Author: P. Philip Bochanski

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¿Servir a los demás es una manera de orar?

Author: Lícia Pereira de Oliveira, f.m.r.

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Recursos pastorales para el acompañamiento de personas que experimentan AMS

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Folleto EnCourage (para imprimir)

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Sin la castidad no puedo tener una relación con Dios: Testimonio de Bárbara, miembro de Courage

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Presentación de Fray Malaquías Napier, CFR

Published in: Presentación de Fray Malaquías Napier, CFR

Published: 2021

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El examen de conciencia: una hermosa oración

Author: Lícia Pereira de Oliveira, f.m.r.

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St. Joseph: Head of the Holy Family

Published in: 2021 Conference

Author: Fr. Malachy Joseph Napier, CFR

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The Catholic Church and Same-Sex Attraction: A Radical Invitation

Published in: The Parish of St. Catherine of Siena YouTube Channel

Author: Fr. Philip G. Bochanski

Published: June 23, 2021

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P. Philip Bochanski-«La propia voluntad basada en mi debilidad» (2020)

Published in: Conferencia Courage Latino 2020

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EnCourage: A Family of Hope Playlist

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Hudson w/ Fr. Josh Johnson

Published: JUL 14, 2020

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Hudson w/ Jason Evert

Published: July 7, 2020

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«Soy un hombre nuevo, con una vida nueva» – Testimonio de un miembro de Courage en América Central

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El encuentro con Jesús en el Santísimo Sacramento

Author: Lícia Pereira de Oliveira, f.m.r.

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Homosexuality & Holiness

Author: Jason Evert

Published: October 15, 2020

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Homosexuality & The Catholic Church: Manny & Avera – Part 2

Published: May 28, 2019

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Homosexuality & The Catholic Church: Manny & Avera – Part 1

Published: May 20, 2019

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Catholics & Same Sex Attraction

Published: May 9, 2021

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Homosexuality, Gender, & Hope (Audio)

Author: Jason Evert interviews Hudson Byblow

Published: July 7, 2020

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Be My Guest: Hudson Byblow on Same Sex Attraction, Holy Friendships, and Healing from Pornography

Published in: Ascension Press

Author: Fr. Josh Johnson interviews Hudson Byblow

Published: July 14, 2020

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Courage Brochure 2022

Published: November 2022

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San Pelayo de Córdoba, mártir de la pureza

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Testimony: Barb S.

Published in: 2021 Conference

Author: Barb S.

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Testimony: Gary H.

Published in: 2021 Conference

Author: Gary H.

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Bishop John LeVoir Homily

Published in: 2021 Conference

Author: Bishop John LeVoir

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Bishop Carl Kemme Homily

Published in: 2021 Conference

Author: Bishop Carl Kemme

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Archbishop Michael Byrnes Homily

Published in: 2021 Conference

Author: Archbishop Michael Byrnes

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Archbishop Joseph Naumann Homily

Published in: 2021 Conference

Author: Archbishop Joseph Naumann

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St Joseph: Most Faithful and Most Obedient

Published in: 2021 Conference

Author: Fr. Philip G. Bochanski

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St. Joseph: Solace of the Grieved (for EnCourage Parents of Children with Gender Identity Discordance)

Published in: 2021 Conference

Author: Dr. Christopher Gross

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Ioseph, Speculum Patientiae: Anxiety, Gender, and the Virtue of Patience

Published in: 2021 Conference

Author: Deacon Patrick Lappert, MD

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Master of the Interior Life: The Seven Sorrows & Joys of St. Joseph

Published in: 2021 Conference

Author: Fr. Ricardo Piñeda, CPM

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St. Joseph the Worker: Model of Masculine Virtue

Published in: 2021 Conference

Author: Fr. Ricardo Piñeda, CPM

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St. Joseph: Most Courageous

Published in: 2021 Conference

Author: Mary Rice Hasson, JD

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St. Joseph: Husband of Mary & Virginal Father of Jesus

Published in: 2021 Conference

Author: Fr. Ricardo Piñeda

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St. Joseph: Most Chaste Spouse

Published in: 2021 Conference

Author: Fr. Colin Blatchford

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St. Joseph: Pillar of Families

Published in: 2021 Conference

Author: Dr. Greg Bottaro

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Consecration to Jesus Through St. Joseph

Published in: 2021 Conference

Author: Dr. Greg Bottaro

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Consagración diaria a María y José

Author: Garrett Johnson

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Conferencia Courage y EnCourage 2021- Fotografías

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Encontrando el mejor método para mi oración

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“¡En un retiro de Courage, me identifiqué como una persona con la dignidad de hijo de Dios!” Testimonio de un miembro de Courage Latino en México

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EnCourage Brochure 2022

Published: November 2022

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Vivir el silencio, ¿en qué ayuda?

Author: Por Lícia Pereira de Oliveira*

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“Courage es lo que he buscado para ti”:  Testimonio de una miembro de Courage en España  

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Historia de San Carlos Lwanga y sus compañeros mártires

Author: Por Hna. Elvira Mª Garro, S.H.M.

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Homosexuality, Gender, and Hope

Published: July 6, 2020

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I’m Not “Gay,” I’m Loved

Published: April 8, 2021

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Fighting for Freedom

Published in: Desert Stream Ministries

Author: Andrew Comiskey

Published: 2014

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Novena para pedir la unción del Espíritu Santo

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Mamá de EnCourage: todo está en las manos y tiempo de Dios para lograr la salvación de cada persona.

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El encuentro con Dios en la oración

Author: Lícia Pereira de Oliveira

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Novena per le sante amicizie

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Responsum della Congregazione per la Dottrina della Fede ad un dubium circa la benedizione delle unioni di persone dello stesso sesso

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Testimonianza Peter

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Testimonianza Chris

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P. Philip Bochanski: Entrevista en programa “Cara a Cara”- EWTN

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March 2021 Talk

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Padre John F. Harvey, OSFS, Director fundador de Courage Internacional

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Las 5 Metas de EnCourage

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Manual para capellanes de Courage y EnCourage

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Las 5 Metas de Courage

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Folleto para sacerdotes (futuros capellanes) para imprimir

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Folleto Courage para imprimir

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Punto de inflexión-Testimonio del P. Philip Bochanski, director ejecutivo de Courage Internacional

Author: P. Philip Bochanski, director ejecutivo de Courage Internacional

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La vida espiritual: Vida en el Espíritu de Cristo

Author: Lícia Pereira de Oliveira

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Invitados a un amor valiente- afiche de la serie

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Mi respuesta a invitaciones a reuniones gay

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G, L, B, T… ¿Cuál es tu identidad?

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¿Ser homosexual es pecado? Esto dijo el Papa Francisco

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Responsum de la Congregación para la Doctrina de la Fe a un dubium sobre las bendiciones
de las uniones de personas del mismo sexo

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Ministerio a las personas con inclinación homosexual: Directrices para la atención pastoral

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Courage Conference 2017 Brochure

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Responsum de la Congregación para la Doctrina de la Fe a un dubium sobre las bendiciones
 de las uniones de personas del mismo sexo

Published in: Sitio web del Vaticano

Author: Luis F. Card. Ladaria, Prefecto

Published: 22 de febrero de 2021

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Testimonio de una pareja de esposos con un hijo con AMS  

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Testimonio de JM: «En Courage tengo amigos que me aman con un amor limpio y casto»

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La Propia Voluntad Basada en mi Debilidad – P. Bochanski

Published in: 2020

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Homosexualidad y la Iglesia Católica – Con Emmanuel Gonzáles y Avera Maria Santo (video)

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November 2020 Talk: Part 2

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November 2020 Talk: Part 1

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Carta abierta a los miembros de Courage

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“Los he llamado amigos” Conferencia Courage Internacional 2019

Author: P. Philip Bochanski

Published: 2019

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Testimonio de una mamá miembro de EnCourage

Published in: 2020

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«¡Vivir castamente te hace libre y más feliz de lo que piensas!»

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Goal 1: Chastity

Published in: 2020 Conference

Author: Fr. Sean Kilcawley, STL

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Goal 2: Prayer & Dedication

Published in: 2020 Conference

Author: Fr. Glen Sudano, CFR

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Goal 3: Fellowship

Published in: 2020 Conference

Author: Dr. Stephen Hopkins

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Goal 4: Support

Published in: 2020 Conference

Author: Deacon Hilmar Pabel, Ph.D.

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Goal 5: Good Example

Published in: 2020 Conference

Author: Hudson & Elena

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Brazen Chastity and the Gift of Self

Published in: 2020 Conference

Author: Sr. Helena Burns, FSP

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July 2020 Talk- Courage Reparation Group

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Testimonio de Eduardo: «La virtud de la castidad es un camino alegre cuando se vive en compañía de otros»

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Pięć Celów EnCourage

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The Five Goals of EnCourage

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«EnCourage es un apostolado que se necesita en la Iglesia» Testimonio de una madre del capítulo de EnCourage online en español

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Testimonio de Lucas: «Encontré mi camino de santificación»

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«Encontré mi camino de santificación»-Testimonio de Lucas

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February 2020 Talk

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January 2020 Talk- Courage Reparation Group

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December 2019 Talk

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Newsletter Archive Page

Published: 2016 to present

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Testimonio de Cristiano

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Testimonio de Alfredo: «La Iglesia acoge como madre»

Author: Alfredo-Miembro de Courage

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November 2019 Talk

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October 2019 Talk

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Cardinal Thomas Collins – Homily at Conference Mass

Published in: 2019 Conference

Author: Cardinal Thomas Collins

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Bishop Peter J. Byrne – Homily at Conference Mass

Published in: 2019 Conference

Author: Bishop Peter J. Byrne

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Bishop John Keenan – Homily at Conference Mass

Published in: 2019 Conference

Author: Bishop John Keenan

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Bishop John M. LeVoir – Homily at Conference Mass

Published in: 2019 Conference

Author: Bishop John M. LeVoir

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Spiritual Combat & the Grace of Purity

Published in: 2019 Conference

Author: Fr. Raphael Mary Salzillo, O.P.

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Sisters & Friends – Sharing Life’s Joys and Struggles

Published in: 2019 Conference

Author: Mary Rice Hasson

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Forming and Sustaining Authentic Friendships

Published in: 2019 Conference

Author: Adam Minihan and David Niles

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Praying in Times of Crisis

Published in: 2019 Conference

Author: Fr. Paul Scalia

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Renewing Hope in Divine Providence

Published in: 2019 Conference

Author: Fr. Peter F. Ryan, S.J.

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I Have Called You Friends

Published in: 2019 Conference

Author: Fr. Philip Bochanski

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Bishop Frank Caggiano – Homily at Conference Mass

Author: Most Rev. Frank Caggiano

Published: 2017 Conference

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Bishop John LeVoir – Homily at Conference Mass

Author: Most Rev. John LeVoir

Published: 2017 Conference

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Bishop Paprocki – Homily at Conference Mass

Author: Most Rev. Thomas Paprocki

Published: 2017 Conference

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Archbishop Charles Chaput – Homily at Conference Mass

Author: Most Rev. Charles Chaput

Published: 2018 Conference

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Bishop Michael Fitzgerald – Homily at Conference Mass

Author: Most Rev. Michael Fitzgerald

Published: 2018 Conference

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Bishop David Konderla – Homily at Conference Mass

Author: Most Rev. David Konderla

Published: 2018 Conference

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Bishop Mark Seitz – Homily at Conference Mass

Author: Most Rev. Mark Seitz

Published: 2018 Conference

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Jesus, Mary, and Joseph…and Us

Author: Fr. Philip Bochanski

Published: 2017 Conference

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Thus Says The Lord! The Catholic Call to Prophecy

Published in: 2017 Conference

Author: Fr. Paul Scalia

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Into the Breach- Bishop Olmsted

Published in: Diocese of Phoenix

Author: Most Rev. Thomas Olsted

Published: 2018 Conference

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The Wow & the Woe of the Psalms

Author: Sr. Sheila Galligan, IHM

Published: 2018 Conference

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Charity and Clarity: Enduring Fruit of Spiritual Direction

Author: Fr. Christopher Rogers

Published: 2018 Conference

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Fr. John Harvey, OSFS: Priest & Pioneer

Author: Fr. Paul Check

Published: 2018 Conference

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Living Jesus, Faithful to Our Mission

Author: Fr. Philip G. Bochanski

Published: 2018 Conference

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Discernment in the Service of Friendship

Author: Fr. Robert McTeigue, SJ

Published: 2018 Conference

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The Spiritual Fatherhood of Fr. John Harvey, OSFS

Author: Fr. Gerald Murray

Published: 2018 Conference

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Salesian Spirituality: A Path of Holiness for All

Author: Fr. Thomas Dailey, OSFS

Published: 2018 Conference

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«Invitados a un amor valiente: La Iglesia Católica y la homosexualidad»

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«Santa Mónica tuvo dificultades para entregarle su hijo a Dios»

Published in: Catholic Stand

Author: Sabrina Vu

Published: 25 de junio del 2019

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May 2019 Talk

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April 2019 Talk

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March 2019 Talk

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«Una etiqueta que perdura»

Published in: First Things

Author: Paul Scalia

Published: Junio 2005

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¿«Gay» o «AMS»? – Por qué las palabras importan

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«¿Ser homosexual es pecado? Esto dijo el Papa Francisco»

Published in: ACI Prensa

Author: Redacción ACI Prensa

Published: 31 de marzo de 2019

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«Cada vez más personas se arrepienten del cambio de sexo pero censuran estudios»

Published in: ACI Prensa

Author: Redacción ACI Prensa

Published: 4 de octubre 2017

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«Mi respuesta a invitaciones a reuniones gay»

Published in: Chastity Project

Author: Andrew

Published: 14 de abril del 2015

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«La homosexualidad: ¿Estoy destinado a estar solo?»

Published in: Chastity Project

Author: Andrew

Published: 9 de octubre del 2015

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«G, L, B, T… ¿Cuál es tu identidad?»

Published in: Chastity Project

Author: Andrew

Published: 9 de octubre del 2015

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«Esperanza después del arcoíris»

Published in: Chastity Project

Author: Andrew

Published: 9 de octubre del 2015

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«Hombre con atracción hacia el mismo sexo cuenta historia de redención»

Published in: Catholic Philly

Author: Jeannette Williams

Published: 26 de marzo, 2019

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Orientaciones terminológicas para escuelas católicas

Author: Courage Internacional

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«Vivir esta experiencia me ha llevado a vivir la virtud de la esperanza»: Testimonio de una madre miembro de EnCourage

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«¿La castidad es posible?»

Author: Rev. T. G. Morrow

Published: 1994

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«Profesar la fe, profesar la medicina: Los médicos y el llamado evangelizador» 

Author: P. Philip G. Bochanski

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«Acompañamiento espiritual para personas con atracción al mismo sexo» 

Published in: The Linacre Quarterly 82 (4) 2015, 1–9 


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 Salir del clóset en Navidad: Una respuesta pastoral para los padres

Author: P. Philip Bochanski

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«La cirugía de cambio de género no es la solución»

Author: Dr. Paul McHugh 

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«Yo fui una mujer transgénero»     

Author: Walt Heyer

Published: 1 de Abril de 2015 

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«Inducir a niños y jóvenes al cambio de género es una mala práctica médica» 

Author: Walt Heyer 

Published: 21 de Septimebre de 2016 

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«Catequesis sobre la homosexualidad: Hagamos las distinciones »

Author: William Newton 

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«La Homosexualidad: Un llamado especial al amor de Dios y del ser humano»

Author: Dr. Jeff Mirus 

Published: 3 de Septiembre del 2010

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«No soy gay… soy David»

Author: David Prosen

Published: 12 de Marzo de 2012 

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Saludo de Cuaresma 2019

Author: Padre Philip Bochanski

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¿Clóset, jaula o cruz? Una respuesta al New York Times

Published in: First Things

Author: P. Philip G. Bochanski

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«Extracto de las enseñanzas del Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica sobre la castidad y la homosexualidad: Numerales 2357-2359»

Published in: Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica

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«Ministerio a las personas con inclinación homosexual: Directrices para la atención pastoral»

Published in: Conferencia Episcopal de los Estados Unidos (USCCB)

Author: Mons. David J. Malloy, STD, Secretario General, USCCB

Published: 2007

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«Carta a los obispos de la Iglesia Católica sobre la atención pastoral a las personas homosexuales»


Author: Joseph Card. Ratzinger, Prefecto

Published: 1 de octubre de 1986

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La imitación de Cristo

Published in: «La imitación de Cristo»

Author: Tomás de Kempis

Published: c. 1418–1427

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«Siete cosas que desearía que mi párroco supiera sobre mi homosexualidad»

Author: Jean C. Lloyd

Published: 10 de diciembre, 2014

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Amar a un hijo que experimenta atracción hacia el mismo sexo

Published in: National Catholic Register


Published: 21 de Marzo de 2013

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«Homosexualidad, identidad y la gracia de la castidad»

Published in: Catholic World Report

Author: Carrie Grace, PhD.

Published: 3 de septiembre de 2013

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«El Día de San Valentín, el Miércoles de Ceniza y el misterio del amor de Dios»

Author: Fr. Philip Bochanski

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«¿Está bien ser gay?»

Published in: Chastity Project

Author: Andrew 

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«Todo lo que quería era pertenecer»

Published: 27 de junio de 2017 

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«Darnos cuenta de nuestra verdadera identidad»

Published in: National Catholic Register

Author: Padre Paul Check 

Published: 7 de noviembre del 2014

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¿«Gay» o «AMS»? – Por qué las palabras importan

Author: Padre Philip Bochanski

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«Una etiqueta que perdura»

Author: Padre Paul Scalia

Published: Junio 2005

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January 2018 Talk- Courage Reparation Group

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November 2017 Talk

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June 2017 Talk- Courage Reparation Group

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May 2017 Talk

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Fr. Paul Check — “Charity, Clarity, and Homosexuality”

Published in: Franciscan University Presents

Published: May 2015

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April 2017 Talk

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I Have Seen…I Have Heard…I Know…I Have Come

Author: Fr. Philip Bochanski

Published: 2016 Conference

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The Triumph of Mercy: Set Free to Love

Author: Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT

Published: 2016 Conference

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Unmasking Oscar Wilde

Author: Prof. Joseph Pearce

Published: 2016 Conference

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Create in Me a Clean Heart: The Perils of Pornography

Author: Prof. John Grabowski

Published: 2016 Conference

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Walking in the Ineffable Glory of God’s Mercy

Author: Johnnette Benkovic

Published: 2016 Conference

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The Five Goals of Courage as a Plan for Growing in Holiness

Author: Fr. J.D. Jaffe

Published: 2016 Conference

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Keynote Address 2016 Conference

Author: Fr. Paul Check

Published: 2016 Conference

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Chastity and the Noonday Demon

Author: Deacon Patrick Lappert

Published: 2016 Conference

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Fostering Chaste Friendships

Author: Prof. John Cuddeback

Published: 2016 Conference

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February 2017 Talk

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Homosexuality and scientific evidence: On suspect anecdotes, antiquated data, and broad generalizations

Published in: The Linacre Quarterly

Author: Robert L. Kinney, III

Published: November, 2015

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Courage and the Work of Fr. John Harvey Arrive in Italy

Published in: The Catholic World Report

Author: Dorothy Cummings McLean

Published: October 26, 2016

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October 2016 Talk

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The worldwide outreach helping same-sex attracted people find the Courage to be chaste

Published in: The Catholic Leader

Author: Emilie Ng

Published: October 24, 2016

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Courage Ministry to Catholics With Same-Sex Attraction Has New Leader

Published in: National Catholic Register


Published: October 11, 2016

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Friendship Novena

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September 2016 Talk

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Steubenville STL Mid-America – Love, Same Sex Attraction, & Tolerance

Published in: Steubenville STL Mid-America

Author: Fr. Mike Schmitz

Published: July 2016

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David Prosen – I’m not Gay… I am David

Published in: Steubenville 2016 PDS

Author: David Prosen

Published: July 7, 2016

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Fr. Paul Check – Living the Truth in Love – Steubenville 2016 PDS

Published in: Steubenville 2016 PDS

Author: Fr. Paul check

Published: July 7, 2016

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Fr. Paul Check – Homosexuality and the Catholic Church – Steubenville 2016 PDS

Published in: Steubenville 2016 PDS

Author: Fr. Paul Check

Published: July 7, 2016

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July 2016 Talk- Courage Reparation Group

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Executive Summary of 2015 Rome Conference

Published: October 2, 2015

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Courage FAQs

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Goals of Courage & Encourage

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May 2016 Talk

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A Parent’s Novena for Perseverance

Author: Written by Victoria Leland

Published: 2012

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March-April 2016 Talk

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Clean of Heart: Overcoming Habitual Sins Against Purity

Published in: Clean of Heart: Overcoming Habitual Sins Against Purity

Author: Rosemarie Scott

Published: February 2015

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February 2016 Talk

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Funeral Homily Text For Justice Antonin Scalia

Published in: First things

Author: Fr. Paul Scalia

Published: February 22, 2016

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A Call to Battle – A Short Film on ‘Society’s Crisis in Masculinity’ (with Spanish subtitles)

Published in: A Call to Battle - A Short Film on ‘Society’s Crisis in Masculinity’ (with Spanish subtitles)

Author: The Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix

Published: January 5, 2016

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December 2015 Talk

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Executive Summary of Living the Truth in Love

Published in: Executive Summary of Living the Truth in Love

Published: October 2, 2015 - Pontifical University of St. Thomas Rome, Italy

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Vaticano – Courage International

Published in: EWTN- Eternal Word Television Network

Author: Vaticano

Published: Dec 18, 2015

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Taking Courage: A Roundtable Discussion on “Desire of the Everlasting Hills”

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Defining Homosexuality

Published in: Bulldog Catholic


Published: OCTOBER 17, 2015

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Bishop’s Column – The Courage of Jesus Christ

Published in: Southern Nebraska Register

Author: Bishop Conley

Published: November 13, 2015

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35th Year Anniversary Letter

Published in: Courage International, Inc.

Author: Fr. Paul Check and Fr. Philip Bochanski

Published: 2015

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October 2015 Talk

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Invited to Courageous Love The Catholic Church and Homosexuality – Film Series Study Guide (Spanish)

Published in: Courage International, Inc.

Published: 2015

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Invited to Courageous Love The Catholic Church and Homosexuality – Film Series Study Guide (English)

Published in: Courage International, Inc

Published: 2015

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Stepping Forward in Courage

Published in: Crisis Magazine


Published: October 19, 2015

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Into the Breach: An Apostolic Exhortation to Catholic Men, my Spiritual Sons in the Diocese of Phoenix

Published in: EWTN with permission from Diocese of Phoenix

Author: Most Reverend Thomas J. Olmsted, Bishop of Phoenix; Courage Episcopal Board

Published: 2015

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September 2015 Talk

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Homily Text for the Courage Conference Mass – 2015

Published in: Courage Conference Mass- Mundelein Seminary Main Chapel Mundelein, Illinois

Author: † Most Reverend Thomas John Paprocki Bishop of Springfield in Illinois

Published: July 31, 2015 - Memorial of Saint Ignatius of Loyola Founder of the Society of Jesus

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Christian Manhood Men’s Retreat 2015

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One Who Has Hope Lives Differently

Author: Fr. Philip Bochanski

Published: 2015 Conference

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The Beatitudes

Author: Fr. Paul Scalia

Published: 2015 Conference

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Testimony: Blake S.

Author: Blake S.

Published: 2015 Conference

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Testimony: Connie C.

Author: Connie C.

Published: 2015 Conference

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Forgiveness in a Wounded World

Author: Sr. J. Sheila Galligan, I.H.M.

Published: 2015 Conference

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Learn to Discern

Author: Fr. Robert McTeigue, S.J.

Published: 2015 Conference

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Happiness by Embracing the Cross

Author: Bishop Mark Seitz

Published: 2015 Conference

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Moral Theology for Our Times

Author: Bishop John LeVoir

Published: 2015 Conference

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Sin and Addiction in The Lord of the Rings

Author: Prof. Joseph Pearce

Published: 2015 Conference

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Nine Rules of Catholic Friendship

Author: Emily Stimpson

Published: 2015 Conference

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Challenge of Friendship Today

Author: Prof. John Cuddeback

Published: 2015 Conference

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Relationships in Understanding Identity

Author: Fr. John Waiss

Published: 2015 Conference

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The Light Shines in the Darkness

Author: Fr. Raphael Mary Salzillo, O.P.

Published: 2015 Conference

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The Secret of Life

Author: Fr. Paul Check

Published: 2015 Conference

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Does God Have Good News for Gays? Yes — the Courage International Apostolate

Published in: Aleteia


Published: AUGUST 06, 2015

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Courage releases trailer for new video series, “Invited to Courageous Love”

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“In a Fallen World, One Voice Is Not Heard”

Published in: National Catholic Register


Published: July 20, 2015

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Bullied “Out of the Closet” and (Almost) Bullied Back In

Published in: Crisis Magazine


Published: July 9, 2015

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June 2015 Talk- Courage Reparation Group

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Fr. Paul Check Radio Interview/ Family Sanctuary Show/St. Gabriel Catholic Radio – Courage

Published in: Family Sanctuary Show/St. Gabriel Catholic Radio

Author: St. Gabriel Catholic Radio

Published: 2015

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Fr. Paul Check Radio Interview/ Family Sanctuary Show/St. Gabriel Catholic Radio – Chastity

Published in: Family Sanctuary Show/St. Gabriel Catholic Radio

Author: St. Gabriel Catholic Radio

Published: 2015

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With Open Hearts

Published in: Pursuit of Truth Ministries

Author: Hudson Byblow

Published: 2015

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Against All Odds

Published in: National Catholic Register


Published: Jun 02, 2015

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Approaching Homosexuality With ‘True Compassion,’ Not ‘Sentimentality’

Published in: National Catholic Register

Author: Peter Jesserer Smith

Published: May 29, 2015

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Desire of the Everlasting Hills Documentary

Published: July 19, 2014

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A Case of Mistaken (Sexual) Identity

Published in: Crisis Magazine

Author: Daniel Mattson

Published: October 15, 2013

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Papal Theologian on Gay Identity

Published in: First Things

Author: Daniel Mattson

Published: July 11, 2013

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May 2015 Talk

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Cardinal Vincent Nichols’s Homily on God’s Gift of Mercy

Author: Cardinal Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster (UK)

Published: May 10, 2015

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Omosessuali, la fede che accoglie «Amicizia e vicinanza nella verità» L’esperienza di “Courage International”: la strada è la Parola

Published in: Avvenire


Published: 6 Maggio 2015

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Homosexuals and the Faith That Welcomes “Friendship and Accompaniment in the Truth” The Experience of Courage International: the way is the Word

Published in: Avvenire

Author: Luciano Moia

Published: 6 May 2015

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April 2015 Talk

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Courage Philippines

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Selected Quotations from Documents of the Popes and Members of the Roman Curia On the Subject of “Gender Theory”

Author: Compiled by Fr. Philip Bochanski

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March 2015 Talk

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Authentic Truth & Compassion

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February 2015 Talk

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Is “Gay” Just Another Adjective?

Published in: Crisis Magazine

Author: Daniel Mattson

Published: Feburary 20, 2015

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The Strange Notion of “Gay Celibacy”

Published in: Crisis Magazine

Author: Dan Mattson

Published: January 26, 2015

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2014 Reparational Group Anniversary Talk

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Seven Things I Wish My Pastor Knew About My Homosexuality

Published in: Public Discourse - The Witherspoon Institute

Author: Jean Lloyd

Published: December 10, 2014

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My Story as an EnCourage Parent

Published: November 2014

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How Porn Made Me Attracted To Other Guys

Published in: The Porn Effect

Author: Hudson Byblow

Published: November 13, 2014

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Realizing Our True Identity

Published in: National Catholic Register

Author: Fr. Paul Check

Published: November 7, 2014

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Matt Fradd – Battle Plan for Ministering to a Porn-Addicted Culture

Published in: Holy Apostles College and Seminary

Author: Matt Fradd

Published: Oct 23, 2014

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Homosexuality: Am I Destined to Be Alone?

Published in: Chastity Project

Author: Jason Evert

Published: August 8, 2014

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My Response To Gay Pride Invitations

Published in:

Published: September, 30, 2014

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G, L, B, T, Q, S . . . What’s your identity?

Published in:

Published: October 8, 2014

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Father Check from Courage Responds to Synod Report

Published in: National Catholic Register

Author: Joan Desmond

Published: October 14, 2014

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Homily Text – “Coraggio”

Published in: Homily - "Coraggio"

Author: Bishop Thomas

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Chastity & Charity: The Catholic Church and Homosexuality

Author: Fr. Paul Check

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The Problem of Masturbation Among Homosexual Persons

Author: Fr. John Harvey, OSFS

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Emotional Dependency

Author: Lori Rentzel

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The Meaning of Intimacy in the Courage Context

Author: Fr. John Harvey, OSFS

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Panel Discussion on Desire of the Everlasting Hills Documentary

Published: 2014 Conference

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Namugongo Jubilee: Lessons from Our Patron Saints

Author: Fr. Philip Bochanski, C.O.

Published: 2014 Conference

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The Christian Meaning of Human Sexuality

Author: Fr. Joseph Koterski, S.J.

Published: 2014 Conference

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What If We Took Pope Francis at His Word?

Author: Dr. Helen Alvare

Published: 2014 Conference

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Immaculee’s Story of Faith, Hope, and Forgiveness

Author: Immaculee Ilibagiza

Published: 2014 Conference

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For When I am Weak, Then I am Strong

Author: Fr. Paul Check

Published: 2014 Conference

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Fire of Divine Love

Author: Fr. Paul Check

Published: 2014 Conference

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A Burden that Lifts us to God

Author: Archbishop Charles Chaput, O.F.M. Cap.

Published: 2014 Conference

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Courage (Part 2)- People with Homosexual Inclinations Not Excluded from the Church

Published in: Zenit

Author: Ann Schneible

Published: Rome, February 14, 2014

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Courage (Part 1)- Ministry Shows ‘Maternal Solicitude’ for Men, Women With Same-Sex Attraction

Published in: Zenit

Author: Ann Schneible

Published: Rome, February 13, 2014

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Pięć Celów Courage

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The Five Goals of Courage

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Everlasting Hills Documentary

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Same-Sex Attraction and the Catholic Church

Published in: National Catholic Register

Author: Thomas L. McDonald

Published: July 13, 2014

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Courage Brazil

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Courage Vietnam

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Courage Italia

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With God All Things Are Possible… Well… Except THAT!

Published in: The Raphael Remedy

Author: David F Prosen, LMHC

Published: June 24, 2014

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How Parents Should Respond to a Child “Coming Out”

Published in: Aleteia

Author: Daniel Mattson

Published: August 6, 2014

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Blessed Are the Pure In Heart: A Pastoral Letter on the Dignity of the Human Person and the Dangers of Pornography

Author: Most Reverend Robert W. Finn Bishop Diocese Kansas City ~ St. Joseph

Published: February 21, 2007

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The 21st Anniversary of the Courage Reparational Group

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Kim’s Testimony

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Conference Testimonies

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Member Testimony: Allen

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Member Testimony: Louis

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Member Testimony: Jim B

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Member Testimony: JM Stellar

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Member Testimony: Chris

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Member Testimony: Mark

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Member Testimony: Peter

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Courage Head Sees Christ in Pope’s ‘Non-judgment’ Remarks

Published in: Catholic News Agency

Author: Kerri Lenartowick

Published: Feb 11, 2014

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Same Sex Attraction: Catholic Teaching and Pastoral Practice

Author: Rev. John F. Harvey, OSFS

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A Spiritual Plan to Redirect One’s Life

Author: Rev. John F. Harvey, OSFS

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The Homosexual Person: New Thinking in Pastoral Care

Author: Rev. John F. Harvey, OSFS

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The Truth About Homosexuality: The Cry of the Faithful

Author: Rev. John F. Harvey, OSFS

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Same-Sex Attractions: A Parents’ Guide

Author: Fr. John Harvey, OSFS & Gerard V. Bradley

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Forgiveness From the Heart: Path to Interior Freedom and Peace

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Spiritual Friendship: Bond of Christian Charity – Seven Principles of Authentic Christian Friendship

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In Defense of the Church’s Challenging Language on Homosexuality

Published in: First Things

Author: Daniel Mattson

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Cardinal Archbishop of Mexico City – Courage Latino Conference – Guadalupe, November 2012

Published: November 2012

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Homosexual Orientation, or Disorientation?

Author: Daniel Mattson

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Why I Don’t Call Myself a Gay Christian

Published in: First Things

Author: Daniel Mattson

Published: July 27, 2012

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The Blessings of Chastity

Published in: The Catholic World Report

Author: Chuck weber

Published: December 2011

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Catechesis on Homosexuality: Making the Distinctions

Published in: The Sower

Author: William Newton

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Friendship and Holiness

Author: Msgr. Peter Magee

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Bishop Paprocki Homily: Courage/EnCourage Conference 2010

Published: July 30, 2010

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The Role of Courage in the Spiritual Life of Chastity for Persons With Same-Sex Attraction

Author: Fr. Jim Lloyd, CSP

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Homosexuality and the Catholic Church: Clear Answers to Difficult Questions

Author: Fr. John Harvey, OSFS

Read the Book Recommendation

Fr. James Lloyd, CSP Website

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The Joy of the Lord Will Be Your Strength

Published in: 2013 Conference

Author: Fr. Paul Check

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Paul’s Testimony

Published in: 2013 Conference

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All Things For Good

Published in: 2013 Conference

Author: Dr. Bill Consiglio

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Fearing the Lord … and Not Being Afraid

Published in: 2013 Conference

Author: Fr. Paul Scalia

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Healing Sexual Wounds with the Help of the Saints

Published in: 2013 Conference

Author: Dawn Eden

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Why Is There Sex?

Published in: 2013 Conference

Author: Dr. J. Budziszewski

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Karl’s Testimony

Published: 2012 Conference

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Rilene’s Testimony

Published: 2012 Conference

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What does the Catholic Church teach about homosexuality?

Published in: Catholic Answers

Author: Paul Check

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The Triumph of Failure

Author: Fr. Paul Check

Published: 2011 Conference

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2011 Courage/EnCourage Conference Questions and Answers

Author: Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke

Published: 2011 Conference

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Blessed are Those Who Believe: Faith and Fidelity Today

Author: Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted

Published: 2011 Conference

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Self Mastery to Self Giving: Anger and Sadness

Author: Dr. Rick Fitzgibbons

Published: 2011 Conference

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Tina’s Witness

Published: 2011 Conference

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Angelo’s Witness

Published: 2011 Conference

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The Memory of Fr. John Harvey, OSFS and the Future of Courage and EnCourage

Author: Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke

Published: 2011 Conference

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Excerpts from the Catechism of the Catholic Church

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Ministry to Persons with a Homosexual Inclination: Guidelines for Pastoral Care

Published in: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

Published: November 2006

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Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons

Author: Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

Published: 1 October 1986.

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12 Step Review

Author: Fr. Emmerich

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The Spirituality of Courage (PDF)

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From Love, For Love, By Love: A Deeper Understanding of Contraception, Same Sex Attractions, and Authentic Love

Published in: Lighthouse Media

Author: Fr. Mike Schmitz

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In Conformity to Christ

Published in: First Things

Author: Guy Mansini, O.S.B. and Lawrence J. Welch

Published: April 2006

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A Label That Sticks

Published in: First Things

Author: Fr. Paul Scalia

Published: July 2005

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EnCourage Guidelines

Author: Father John Harvey, OSFS

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How Courage and EnCourage Gave Us Hope

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Loving Our Children with Same-Sex Attractions: One Mother’s Story

Author: An EnCourage Mom

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Homosexuality, Identity, and the Grace of Chastity

Published in: Catholic World Report

Author: Fr. Paul Check

Published: September 3, 2013

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Dealing With Same-Sex Attraction

Published in: Legatus Magazine

Author: Daniel Mattson

Published: June 1, 2013

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Testimonials Collection

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EnCourage Testimonial

Author: Michelle Ramonetti

Published: December 13, 2012

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For Those Who Believe in Rational Argument

Published in: Humanum Review

Author: Fr. Paul Scalia

Published: Fall 2012

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