Father Check from Courage Responds to Synod Report

“Do we have the conviction that a chaste life is part of the good news of Jesus Christ?" asked Father Check.

G, L, B, T, Q, S . . . What’s your identity?

While it is true that same-sex attractions are a part of my life story, today I share of myself to defend the Catholic Church. Yes, you read that correctly—defend. I pray that you will open your heart to hearing my voice.

My Response To Gay Pride Invitations

If you have ever been invited to participate in a gay pride event or invited to “Like” a gay pride page on Facebook, what do you do?

Because I experience same-sex attractions, I get bombarded by that kind of stuff, and have been praying about how I can respond in a loving way, without compromising my faith. I have friends who are closely tied to LGBTQ movements, and I know in their hearts, they are truly doing what they think is best. I have learned to stay quiet and keep the peace on my Facebook wall, by saying nothing. Part of this is pure cowardice—this I do admit. But the more I think about it, the more I realize that Facebook walls are not where hearts are transformed. I took this whole thing to prayer at the foot of the cross.

Homosexuality: Am I Destined to Be Alone?

Many people think that because I experience same-sex attractions, I have only two choices in life: Get into a relationship with another guy and be “fulfilled” or be single and alone (and therefore, miserable). They forget that there is far more to life than either of those choices!

Although I’m not in romantic relationship, I don’t feel alone. Unfortunately, many people wonder how that could be possible. To me, this reveals a confusion that exists between feeling alone and being alone.

A Burden that Lifts us to God

2014 Courage/EnCourage Conference

For the 2014 Courage Conference in Philadelphia, Abp. Charles Chaput, O.F.M. Cap., Archbishop of Philadelphia, gives the opening homily where he reflects on original sin and how much easier it would be if the fall did not happen, but points out how the current burden of fighting sin in our lives is actually quite bearable and even enables us to fly to the Heart of God.