Friendship Novena

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A novena is a special form of prayer, where on nine successive days, a prayer is

said for some special occasion or intention. The practice of saying novenas is

scripturally based, modeled after the nine days of consecutive prayer that the

apostles, Blessed Mother, and other followers of Jesus prayed together in the upper

room between Jesus’ Ascension into heaven and the decent of the Holy Spirit on

Pentecost. Prayed in communion with the saints, novenas often petition the

intercession of specially selected saints (our exemplary role models in faithful

living) for a particular request or in thanksgiving for God’s gracious goodness in

our lives.

This novena is a prayer of petition and thanksgiving for the blessing of holy

friendships . . . . . which not only provide happy companionship in our earthly

pilgrim journeys, but also lead us to greater heights in knowing, loving, and serving
