James Tissot (1836-1902). Jesus Appears to the Holy Women (Apparition de Jésus aux saintes femmes), 1886-1894. Brooklyn Museum.

“The news that Christ had risen from the tomb was entrusted to people who still had their tears for his death upon their faces. They were to tell it, it was to be given by one to the other. … They were to give him to one another, and as simply as he gave himself, through words and kindness: through their work and friendship, through learning one another’s mind and heart and approaching each one separately, through accepting what each one had to give, and giving too: by comforting one another and leavening the sorrow of the world by the interchange of their Christ-love.”

– Caryll Houselander


Dear Courage and EnCourage family,

Christ is risen! Truly He is risen! Alleluia!

The Good News that Jesus Christ is risen from the dead has transformed the whole world, yet we receive it in the midst of our ordinary lives. While we struggle against old habits and strive for conversion of heart, the Risen Lord reminds us that He has come “that [we] may have life, and have it abundantly” (Jn 10:10). In the midst of sorrow for sin and anxiety for loved ones, His desire is that His “joy may be in you, and your joy may be full” (Jn 15:11). When shame or isolation make us question our identity or the purpose of our lives, His message to His brothers and sisters is that He is “ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God” (Jn 20:17).

On this Day that changed the world, and throughout this joyous and blessed Easter Season, may the Risen Lord enter into even the darkest places of your life and bring His light, His joy and His peace. May the One who still bears the wounds of His suffering and death, heal every wound in your heart with the gift of His risen Life. In the spirit of the fellowship and chaste friendship that He has inspired among us, may your whole life be a sign to those around you of the power of Christ’s grace, and a living witness to His Resurrection.

Father Philip G. Bochanski

and the Boards and Staff of Courage International