Andrew Comiskey, M.Div.
Andrew Comiskey (M.Div.) has worked extensively with the healing of the sexually and relationally broken. He is founder and Director of Desert Stream/Living Waters Ministries, a multifaceted outreach to the broken. Andrew’s ministry grows both out of his own commitment to overcome homosexuality and his experience as a husband to Annette and father of four children. He is author of Pursuing Sexual Wholeness (Creation House), Strength in Weakness (InterVarsity Press), Naked Surrender: Coming Home To Our True Sexuality (InterVarsity Press) and the Living Waters healing program. Andrew seeks to equip the global church to be whole and holy, a bride ready to receive Jesus. Andrew attends and serves at St. Thomas More in Kansas City, Missouri. After over three decades of ministry Andrew still loves imparting healing to the entire body of Christ.