Courage On Call is a Zoom platform of the Courage Apostolate whose aim is to reach out to men and women* who experience same-sex attraction and wish to live chastely, but do not have access to a local Courage chapter or prefer an alternative to our online chat groups. COC follows the format of face-to-face Courage meetings, with the exception that we “only” hear the voices of other members without seeing their faces, since the video feature is disabled so as to protect confidentiality. For this reason, COC would very much suit anyone who may wish to maintain their strict anonymity. COC, in line with the Five Goals of Courage, offers a great opportunity to grow in the virtue of chastity through the support of chaste friendships.
*You must be 18+ to join.
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Courage ID: 526 889 6520
Passcode: 989571
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We currently hold our Courage On Call meetings every Tuesday at 5:00 pm EST (time in New York, USA) /10:00 pm Greenwich Time (time in London, UK) with a systematic study on Theology of the Body and a monthly study on the Twelve Steps. On the last Tuesday of every month, we have a topic related to the Five Goals. Please call back later if the Host is being delayed and not opening the meeting on time.
Please Note: No Courage on Call Meetings in the Month of August
The Five Goals of Courage
1. To live chaste lives in accordance with the Roman Catholic Church’s teaching on homosexuality. (Chastity)
2. To dedicate our entire lives to Christ through service to others, spiritual reading, prayer, meditation, individual spiritual direction, frequent attendance at Mass, and the frequent reception of the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist. (Prayer and Dedication)
3. To foster a spirit of fellowship in which we may share with one another our thoughts and experiences, and so ensure that no one will have to face the problems of homosexuality alone. (Fellowship)
4. To be mindful of the truth that chaste friendships are not only possible but necessary in a chaste Christian life; and to encourage one another in forming and sustaining these friendships. (Support)
5. To live lives that may serve as good examples to others. (Good Example/Role Model)

Featured Articles
Visit our online chat groups and connect with other men and women around the world who share your experience and commitment to faith.
Discover a wealth of information to help you grow in your faith and understanding of the Church's teaching on human sexuality.
Chastity means saying ‘yes’ to God in one’s heart and mind to pursue choices, thoughts, and actions oriented toward a holy and virtuous expression of sexuality. It is about one’s state of mind and heart.Jim B, Courage member
Seek out true friendships and most importantly get close to the Lord. Cry out to Him and take his lead. He will not let you down.Peter, Courage member
I try to remind myself often just how much God loves me with all my faults and failings, and that he is always looking for me, like the father searching for his prodigal son.Mark, Courage member
Contentment comes with this sense of peace and well-being, and I have a sense about my life that I am safe. I am home.Rilene, Courage member