Sports Camp 2018

Join us for this year's Sports Camp 19: an exhilarating, experiential weekend for men desiring to learn how to play team sports with encouragement, coaching and an abundance of Christian fellowship. Once again, the Lions and Dolphins will face each other in softball, football, basketball, and soccer in the annual epic battle for the coveted Harvey Cup. Sports Camp men physically compete on the field while enriching their souls through a daily regimen of prayer, confessions, mass, and the Liturgy of the Hours.

Sports Camp is a Courage-sponsored program which provides an opportunity for men who experience same-sex attractions to grow in faith and friendship, in harmony with the Five Goals of Courage. This yearly event offers a safe and supportive environment for men 18 years of age and older to learn the rules, acquire the skills, and compete in a team setting in competitive sports. Every man is welcome regardless of age or experience. Everyone is assigned to a team, everyone plays, and everyone shares in an awesome experience of fellowship and team building.

Registration Fee: Before April 15, 2018: $410. April 16 to May 17: $450

Deadline for registration: May 17, 2018

For information on how to register, or any other questions you can email us at: