
Prayer is one of the vital elements that enables us to do what we do here at Courage. Please consider making a daily prayer commitment for our cause.

You may want to offer up a daily mass, Rosary, or some sacrifice. There are also novenas that you could say. You can also offer up any difficulties you may be experiencing to the Lord for us.

As you do this, please include the following prayer:

Heavenly Father, you sent us your son Jesus. He died for our sins and rose from the dead demonstrating Your immense love for us. You also gave us your mother Mary to be our mother. Thank you Father for your love.

Lord, convince us of Your deep love for us and help us to see the ways that we distance ourselves from You. Guide us towards making amends for these actions. Help us to love You more.

Father, we implore you to bless the Courage Apostolate. Grant them Your protection and guidance. Help them in their ministry to bring your love, fellowship and direction to those experiencing same-sex attractions.

Please increase the numbers of those willing to bring this important message to those in need and give them the courage and graces necessary to do so. Lord, so much work has yet to be done in this area. I commit to (express your commitment) for this intention.


More Prayers

Adapted for the Ministries of Courage and EnCourage
(author unknown)

The Chaplet consists of seven mysteries in which we meditate on the seven principal sheddings of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus.


Lord Jesus, I consecrate my sexuality to you;
cleanse my mind, my memory, my imagination and
my dreams of all disordered content.

Grant me the gift of chastity, to bring my sexual
drive into subjection of your Holy Spirit dwelling within me.
If there be any dividedness in my heart in this regard,
please make my heart pure and simple.

Guard my weakness by your Holy Cross through
the intercession of your Mother Mary, my
guardian angel, Saint Charles Lwanga, and the
communion of saints. AMEN